World Green Building – Findings from industry leaders on how we can accelerate low carbon building

Digital Webinar

How does collaboration lead to real-life low carbon building projects? The webinar is based on a co-development project, executed in 2021-2022 between NCC, Stora Enso and Ramboll, led by Combient Pure.

In this webinar we will share our findings and emphasize the ever-increasing importance of collaborative working methods in the building sector. By bringing the wood product manufacturer, construction company and designers together, we are more capable in tackling some of the largest challenges of the industry. Global construction sector has a huge potential in reducing the carbon emissions and the utilization of timber in massive and hybrid structures is one of the key factors.

Together we will share the latest findings on low-carbon building and cover topics including:

  • How close are we getting to a low-carbon building world?
  • How can we best harness value chain collaboration to accelerate climate action within the building sector?
  • What are the best approaches to mass timber building design and their technical advances
  • Understanding the significance of embodied emissions
  • How to help property owners and investors chart their way to low emission construction

You are positively encouraged to engage and challenge the speakers LIVE with your thoughts and questions. Participation is free but limited. Secure your spot today. We look forward to welcoming you!

NCC is a leading Nordic construction and property development company.

Stora Enso is one of the largest sustainable forest owners and providers of wood products.

Ramboll is aninternational engineering, architecture, and consultancy company.

Combient Pure is an accelerator for value chain wide co-operation and business value creation from low carbon and circular solutions.


När: 15 sep 2022

Var: Digital Webinar

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